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BooKmarK Us » Add Feed »Posted On March 19th, 2015

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[Here is a little of what Kaitlyn had to say about her shoot. ] “Oh when I take my pants off I have these scabs on my legs, I fell down the stairs 3 days before my shoot.  I almost didn’t want to come because they look so bad!  So don’t look at them.  I’m sort of upset that the photographer didn’t airbrush them out of the pictures at least.  So when we got back I finally got to see the video I hadn’t seen 3 months ago.  It was funny to watch!  Then we went upstairs so I could masturbate.  I wanted the photographer to talk to me when I’m getting naked and playing with myself, but he kept saying that he has to be quiet because you guys will get upset if you hear him.  Its just strange for me if I’m talking & staring just to the camera.  I’m not used to it!  Of course my fingers do the rubbing and the toy in the closet always do it for me!  I’m always getting wet just thinking about sex!  I’m hornier than any of my girlfriends, doesn’t mean I’m a slut though.  I stay steady with just one boyfriend at a time.  I’m a big flirt and tease but sex for me is monogamous (I think that is how you call it?).   I masturbate every day unless I’m getting sex, or if I’ve worked a really long day.”

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